Programming that promotes networking

The programming promotes networking and conversation among the key leaders of the business community, those who are influencing the future of corporate governance and business thinking in Canada.


Economic Outlook

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In this quarterly session, Deloitte’s Chief Economist Dawn Desjardins will discuss the latest developments shaping Canadian and international economies, including economic growth, business investment, trade, and market activity.

July 11, 2024
11 a.m. ET
Audit Committee Update

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In this quarterly series, we will provide an analysis of the latest regulatory, reporting and assurance developments and challenges currently facing members of the audit committee.

July 24, 2024
11 a.m. ET
Innovation in board-level talent recruitment

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Please join Jonathan Goodman, Global Chair of Monitor Deloitte and Leader of Deloitte Canada’s CEO and Boardroom Programs in conversation with Oliver Cummings, CEO of Nurole, the fast-growing UK based innovator in board placement and community. Jonathan and Oliver will discuss the advancements in sourcing and matching board talent that Nurole is pioneering, along with the insights gleaned from Nurole’s governance-related podcast Enter the Boardroom, which has given Oliver a front-row seat to the most intriguing issues and influential personalities associated with corporate governance today.

June 25, 2024
Webcast on Demand
Podium Club | Boardroom Innovations from the Fortune 500

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Join us on May 30 as Jonathan Goodman Global Chair, Monitor Deloitte and Vice Chair, Deloitte Canada is joined by Beverly Behan, author of Great Companies Deserve Great Boards, Becoming a Boardroom Star and other governance bestsellers, who’s worked with more than 200 boards in the US, Canada and around the world since 1996.

This session will explore the challenges faced by boards today and the strategies they are adopting to navigate these changes. Jonathan will be in discussion with Beverly about her view of some of the innovative practices implemented by Fortune 500 boards, and their potential impact on board effectiveness.

May 30, 2024
Webcast on Demand
Podium Club - Measuring the Value of Digital Transformation Investment

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Organizations often find themselves at a digital crossroads, knowing digital investments are essential to enterprise value but struggling to define and measure their success. Deloitte's Measuring Value from Digital Transformation Research presents a multidimensional framework that spans Financial, Customer, Process, Workforce, and Purpose measures, and highlights that organizations can achieve an average of 20% more value from their digital initiatives by closing the gap in digital value measurement. This session will help board directors understand the key questions they should be asking to ensure their organizations are recalibrating the metrics that matter and positioning themselves for success in the digital era.

May 7, 2024
Webcast on Demand
The role of the board in responsible supply chain management

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Description: In today's landscape, your supply chain may reputationally be considered as an extension of your core organization with stakeholder expectations, and new legislative requirements for transparency into your suppliers and their business practices. it is imperative for organizations to establish responsible partnerships* with your suppliers, with the board assuming a pivotal role in driving this agenda forward. Supporting greater transparency and ethical business practices within your supply chain at a board level will help ensure compliance against these new regulations and enable more proactive risk management to drive enhanced operational resilience. Working collaboratively with fellow board members, the CEO and management team can drive real positive change across the supply chain. Join us on May 1 to hear from Deloitte leaders on the latest regulatory environment and the role of the board in responsible supply chain management. *Responsible Partnership: Integration of ethical, sustainable, environmental, and socially conscious principles into sourcing and third-party risk management across end-to-end supply chain management.

May 1, 2024
Webcast on Demand
Economic Outlook: Federal Budget Analysis

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Description: In this edition of the Podium Club's quarterly Economic Outlook webcast series for board directors, Deloitte's Chief Economist Dawn Desjardins will provide a detailed analysis of the Federal Budget (presented on April 16), examining its potential impacts on various sectors, industries, and economic indicators. This discussion will equip board directors with valuable insights to navigate the evolving economic landscape effectively.

April 25, 2024
Webcast on Demand
Audit Committee Update

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Audit Committee Update

April 11, 2024
Webcast on Demand
Corporate Governance DNA

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Corporate Governance DNA

April 4, 2024
Webcast on Demand
The 2024 Strategy Imperative

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The 2024 Strategy Imperative

March 28, 2024
Webcast on Demand
Technology Trends 2024

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Deloitte’s 15th annual Tech Trends report seeks to make sense of what’s now, new and next in enterprise tech. It chronicles the growing business imperative to balance today’s tactical needs with tomorrow’s strategic ambitions and builds upon the wealth of research and real-world, first-hand experiences from leading organizations to identify and understand the Information and Technology trends that will impact all organizations over the next 18-24 months. Please join us on March 14 as we help board directors sift through the noise and explore the signals and trends that may impact the organizations you govern.

March 14, 2024
Webcast on Demand
Navigating Global Sustainability Trends: Insights for Canadian Directors

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Join us on February 26 as we bring together two esteemed thought leaders in the field of sustainability – Steve Goldbach, Deloitte US Sustainability Leader and Jennifer Steinmann, Deloitte Global Sustainability & Climate Leader. This session is specifically designed to bring global sustainability trends to the forefront of boardroom discussions in Canada, and to help Canadian companies understand the relevance and implications of these trends for their own operations.

In today's interconnected world, it is crucial for Canadian businesses to stay informed about the latest sustainability developments happening globally. By leveraging the expertise of our esteemed speakers, who have firsthand experience in leading sustainability initiatives in different regions, we aim to equip directors and board members with the knowledge and insights necessary to navigate the challenges and opportunities presented by the evolving sustainability landscape.

This session will provide an overview of the current global sustainability landscape, highlighting key trends, challenges, and emerging opportunities. Drawing on their extensive experience working with multinational companies, the speakers will offer practical examples and case studies that demonstrate how sustainability strategies have been successfully implemented in different contexts.

This will be a hybrid event and you can choose to attend either virtually or in-person. The session will run from 1:00pm – 2:00pm ET; lunch will be available before the session (beginning at noon) for those that join us in person.

February 26, 2024
Webcast on Demand
The Evolving World Order: Geopolitical Implications for Board Directors

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The geopolitical landscape is undergoing significant shifts: Russia's continued aggression on Ukraine has consequences on energy costs and food security, the rising tensions between China and the US (and the West) threaten post WWII institutions and bring much instability. Recent events in the Middle East and the most consequential upcoming US election add other layers of complexity to the global dynamics. Looking ahead, it is crucial for directors to understand and prepare for the evolving geopolitical environment. On February 20, join Jonathan Goodman, Global Chair, Monitor Deloitte and Vice Chair, Deloitte Canada in conversation with Pierre Pettigrew, Chair, Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada. During this discussion, we will explore the emerging geopolitical themes in the US, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and the Middle East that boards should consider as they plan for 2024 and beyond.

February 21, 2024
Webcast on Demand
GLOBAL | Generative AI: What boards need to know

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Come with us behind the headlines, as we look at Generative AI, how it differs from traditional AI approaches, and how leading organizations are using it to foster innovation and competitiveness. For boards, how to best oversee its expansion and ethical use remains one of the larger challenges in the boardroom today. The panel for this session includes Zachery Anderson, Chief Data and Analytics Officer, NatWest Group; Steve Hasker, President and Chief Executive Officer, Thomson Reuters, Non-Executive Director, Appen Limited; and Kimberly Powell, Vice President, Healthcare, NVIDIA - in discussion with moderator Beena Ammanath, Executive Director, Global Deloitte AI Institute.

February 7, 2024
Webcast on Demand
Economic Outlook

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In this quarterly session, Deloitte’s Chief Economist Dawn Desjardins will discuss the latest developments shaping Canadian and international economies, including economic growth, business investment, trade, and market activity. This will be a hybrid event and you can choose to attend either virtually or in-person. The session will run from 11:00am – 12:00pm ET; lunch will be available afterwards for those that join us in person.

January 25, 2024
Webcast on Demand
The Digital Tsunami: Governance implications of AI

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Podium Club recently held a fascinating session about AI and its consequences for boards with Nicolas Darveau-Garneau, board director and former Chief Evangelist at Google and David Beatty, one of Canada’s leading governance experts. As a follow up to this thought-provoking discussion, on November 27 Jonathan Goodman, Global Chair, Monitor Deloitte and Vice Chair, Deloitte Canada will explore the governance implications of AI with David to understand how boards are reacting to the “Digital Tsunami” and what concrete steps they can take to help their companies navigate this powerful transformation.

If you haven’t had a chance to see the session with Nicolas Darveau-Garneau, we encourage you to watch the recording in advance of this discussion.

January 18, 2024
Webcast on Demand
COP28 and Beyond: Navigating the Path to a Sustainable Future

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COP28 arrives at a pivotal moment for the global community, as it marks the halfway point of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, seven years following adoption of the Paris Agreement, and on the heels of the hottest year on record. Finance is among one of the foremost challenges that could underpin successful climate action going forward from COP28. A wide range of changes are needed across the global financial system to enable bankability of projects across the nature-climate spectrum and to rapidly scale up capital deployment.

We invite you to join us on December 19th for an engaging roundtable conversation moderated by Jessica Goldberg, Deloitte Canada’s Managing Partner, Sustainability with our esteemed COP28 delegation team, led by Céline Bak, National Leader, Financial Services ESG & Impact, Alma Hadzic, Sector Leader for Economy, Energy & Climate for Government & Public Services and Freedom-Kai Phillips, Director, Deloitte Center for Sustainable Progress who are eager to share their top insights from the frontlines in Dubai. Board directors will gain valuable insights and perspectives that will help them navigate their critical role in guiding their organizations through the complex landscape of climate action and sustainable development.

December 19, 2023
Webcast on Demand
Charting the Future of Canadian Governance: A One Year Update

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In December 2022, the ICD and TMX Group published its signature report on the future of Canadian governance, which examined the evolving role of boards of directors in shaping corporate strategy, risk management, and stakeholder engagement. The report's recommendations included the need for more diverse and independent boards, better alignment of executive compensation with long-term value creation, and enhanced board oversight of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues.

One year later, we invite you to join Jonathan Goodman, Global Chair, Monitor Deloitte and Vice Chair, Deloitte Canada in conversation with Barb Stymiest, experienced corporate director and lead author of the report, and guests (to be confirmed), to review the ongoing discussion and debate around on the report's recommendations and the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

December 13, 2023
Webcast on Demand
Directors' Series | Sustainability reporting: Navigating evolving expectations and avoiding current

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Sustainability reporting is getting more complex as standards rapidly evolve and new ones are introduced. And its pervasive impacts make getting it right of critical importance.

With many announcements and decisions being made around the future of reporting, 2023 has been a big year so far. For example, there are evolving expectations around the transition from voluntary to mandatory reporting, placing more emphasis on the accuracy of information. We explored these challenges and determined the most relevant questions audit and risk committees should be asking as the complexities of sustainability reporting unfold.

Join us as we share our latest insights, future predictions, and innovative solutions in response to the release of new sustainability frameworks and regulations.

December 7, 2023
Webcast on Demand
The role of the board chair in climate strategy

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In an era where climate change poses significant operational, regulatory, and reputational risks, board chairs play a critical role in leading their boards toward effective climate strategies. Join Duncan Sinclair, Chair Deloitte Canada and Chile and Jonathan Goodman, Global Chair, Monitor Deloitte and Vice Chair, Deloitte Canada as they share insights from recent conversations with board chairs who are successfully navigating these challenges.

November 15, 2023
Webcast on Demand
Corporate Governance with Evan Epstein

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Join Jonathan Goodman, Global Chair, Monitor Deloitte and Vice Chair of Deloitte Canada in conversation with Evan Epstein, Managing Partner of Pacifica Global, a corporate governance advisory firm based in San Francisco and founder and host of the top-ranked Boardroom Governance Podcast and the Boardroom Governance Newsletter. He is also the former Executive Director of the Rock Centre for Corporate Governance at Stanford University. Evan will share the view from Silicon Valley, what he is hearing and learning from his Podcast series (110+ episodes), and touch on the unique challenges of governance in start-up organizations.

November 1, 2023
Webcast on Demand
Audit Committee Update

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In this quarterly series, we will provide an analysis of the latest regulatory, reporting and assurance developments and challenges currently facing members of the audit committee.

October 25, 2023
Webcast on Demand
The Digital Tsunami: Generative AI

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Join Jonathan Goodman, Global Chair, Monitor Deloitte and Vice Chair, Deloitte Canada & Chile in conversation with Professor David Beatty, one of Canada’s leading governance experts and Nicolas Darveau-Garneau, board director and until recently the Chief Evangelist at Google about AI and its consequences for boards The session will run from 12:30 – 1:30pm ET, and you can choose to attend either virtually or in-person. Lunch will be served before the session for those that join us in person.

October 10, 2023
Webcast on Demand
Economic Outlook

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On September 28, join us in the Podium Club lounge to meet Deloitte’s new Chief Economist, Dawn Desjardins. In this hybrid session, Dawn will discuss the latest developments shaping Canadian and international economies, including economic growth, business investment, trade, and market activity. The session will run from 11am – noon ET, and you can choose to attend either virtually or in-person. Lunch will be served after the session for those that join us in person.

September 28, 2023
Webcast on Demand
Disaster in the Boardroom

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When companies come crashing down, why do we hear of boards who have failed in their fiduciary duties? Or that they have been ignorant, complacent or downright complicit in these scandals and downfalls?

Join Jonathan Goodman, Global Chair, Monitor Deloitte and Vice Chair, Deloitte Canada & Chile in conversation with Randall Peterson, Professor of Organizational Behaviour at London Business School and founding Director of the School’s Leadership Institute, about the key themes contained in his recently released book Disaster in the Boardroom: Six Dysfunctions Everyone Should Understand.

September 19, 2023
Webcast on Demand
Audit Committee Update

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This quarterly series will provide an analysis of the latest regulatory, reporting and assurance developments and challenges currently facing members of the audit committee.

In this session, we will provide an update on the overall requirements of the recently published ISSB International Sustainability Financial Reporting Standards and will cover thorny topics that Audit Committees are wrestling with and what should be on their radar for Q2 2023.

July 27, 2023
Webcast on Demand
Tech Savvy Boards: AI | GENERATIVE AI

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Generative Artificial Intelligence will shake up the global business and consumer landscapes more thoroughly and dramatically than any previous technology, and because of its capacity for exponential disruption, it is a topic that should be on the board’s agenda. Deloitte’s Tech Savvy Boards: AI series is designed to empower directors with the critical questions they should be asking leadership teams. The series will feature both Deloitte and industry experts, who will help you navigate this quickly-changing landscape.

Our first session in the series will be a primer on Generative AI and will introduce board directors to key topic areas such as how to leverage these solutions at scale, reimaging effective business models to understanding how to deploy operational transformations with the right guardrails in place. Join Dalibor Petrovic, Deloitte’s Tech Leadership Program leader and Jas Jaaj, Deloitte Canada’s Managing Partner, AI and Data as they discuss how to unlock the full potential of generative AI solutions.

July 11, 2023
Webcast on Demand
Putting reconciliation into practice: The board’s role

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June is National Indigenous History Month and it also marks the three-year point since Deloitte released its Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) – the first of its kind in corporate Canada. The RAP is aimed at strengthening trust and rebuilding relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people and holding the firm accountable to tangible goals under the four pillars of inclusion, education, employment, and economic empowerment.

On June 28, join Jonathan Goodman (Global Chair, Monitor Deloitte and Deloitte Canada Boardroom Leader) for an insightful conversation with Duncan Sinclair (Chair, Deloitte Canada and Chile) and Roberta Jamieson (Director, RBC & Deloitte and co-chair of the Indigenous advisory council of the Canadian National Railway Company). Reflecting on key learnings, they will explore steps that board directors can take within their organizations to create meaningful partnerships and mutually beneficial opportunities that help fuel economic growth for Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities.

June 28, 2023
Webcast on Demand
Shareholder Activism in Canada

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Canada is seeing a boom in strategic shareholder activism as investors take advantage during this period of economic uncertainty. On June 20, Walied Soliman, Chair of Norton Rose Fulbright Canada will join Jonathan Goodman, Global Chair, Monitor Deloitte and Deloitte Canada Boardroom Leader in a conversation about corporate proxy battles and hostile takeovers. Mr. Soliman is widely regarded as one of the leading special situations practitioners in Canada and over the past several years has been involved with almost every major proxy battle in the country, acting for both issuers and activists.

June 20, 2023
Webcast on Demand
Economic outlook

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In this edition of the Podium Club’s Economic Outlook series for board directors, Deloitte’s Chief Economist will discuss the latest developments shaping Canadian and international economies, including economic growth, business investment, trade, and market activity.

May 25, 2023
Webcast on Demand
Quarterly Audit Committee Update

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ESG reporting is evolving quickly from voluntary to required. As companies get prepared to formally disclose the impact of climate in their financial filings, they are looking to their finance functions to determine what existing controls, processes, and governance can be extended to ESG data.

This session will help audit committees understand trends that are rapidly emerging in climate reporting and the broader ESG governance landscape.

April 27, 2023
Webcast on Demand
Charting the Future of Canadian Governance: Raising the Bar on Risk Management

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In December, the ICD and TMX Group released their long awaited, signature report on enhancing governance, called Charting the Future of Canadian Governance: A Principled Approach to Navigating Rising Expectations for Boards of Directors, which outlines recommendations for ensuring Canadian boards are well equipped to meet new challenges and rising expectations. The Podium Club is hosting a monthly series discussing the most salient features of the report featuring Barb Stymiest (lead author of the report, member of the Charting the Future committee, and director) and special guests, hosted by Jonathan Goodman (Global Chair, Monitor Deloitte, Deloitte Canada Boardroom leader).

In this session, Jonathan and Barb will be joined by Anemona Turcu, Chief Risk Officer of George Weston Ltd. and will explore how boards can ensure that management is effectively identifying, managing, and mitigating the various types of risks facing today’s organizations.

April 17, 2023
Webcast on Demand
The impact of bank failures on markets and the economy

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Join Jonathan Goodman, Global Chair, Monitor Deloitte and Deloitte Canada Boardroom Leader in conversation with Craig Alexander, President, Alexander Economic Views in a timely discussion around the strains in the global financial system and the economic implications of the recent failures at several US banks (okay, two so far) and Swiss bailout of Credit Suisse. In particular, we are only starting to see the lagged impact of the aggressive tightening of monetary policy. The session will help board directors to understand how the current situation compares with the 2008 financial crisis and how it might evolve.

April 11, 2023
Webcast on Demand
Tech Savvy Boards | Cyber risk and security

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Deloitte’s Tech Savvy for Boards series is designed to equip Canadian Directors with information necessary to engage with the Management on topics of Data, Information and Technology in a meaningful way. The Series will present Directors with a framework and insights to ask the right questions, identify and challenge answers, and ultimately deliver higher quality of overall governance.

In this session, we will hear from Vivek Khindria Senior Vice President Cyber Security, Networks, and Technology Risk at Loblaw Companies Limited where he secures food, medicine, health, financial and fashion services for Canadians. Vivek will share his insights and passions for advancing Canada’s cyber security capabilities. The discussion will explore topics such as the evolving role of the board considering the ever changing business and risk landscape and how boards can help create a culture of cyber security.

March 28, 2023
Webcast on Demand
Charting the Future of Canadian Governance (session #2)

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In December, the ICD and TMX Group released their long awaited, signature report on enhancing governance, called Charting the Future of Canadian Governance: A Principled Approach to Navigating Rising Expectations for Boards of Directors, which outlines recommendations for ensuring Canadian boards are well equipped to meet new challenges and rising expectations. The Podium Club is hosting a monthly series discussing the most salient features of the report featuring Barb Stymiest (lead author of the report, member of the Charting the Future committee, and director) and special guests, hosted by Jonathan Goodman (Canadian Boardroom leader, Global Chair, Monitor Deloitte).

In this second session of the series, Jonathan, Barb and Pat Meredith (governance expert, director and author) will deepen the discussion around the report with a focus on how boards can ensure high-quality strategy for a multi-stakeholder world.

February 22, 2023
Webcast on Demand
Davos 2023: Lessons for Directors

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From January 16-20, more than 2,700 business, government and civil society leaders from 130+ countries came together in Davos, Switzerland for the World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting. The theme for this year’s event was “Cooperation in a fragmented world”, and environmental, social and governance (ESG) topics dominated the discussions.

On February 7, join Jonathan Goodman, Global Chair, Monitor Deloitte and Vice Chair, Deloitte Canada in conversation with Helle Bank Jorgensen, Founder and CEO of Competent Boards and a major presence in Davos as a panelist at three events. Helle will share her observations and key takeaways for directors from this year’s discussions.

February 07, 2023
Webcast on Demand
Tech Savvy Boards | 2023 Tech Trends

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Deloitte’s 14th annual Tech Trends report explores the impact of emerging technologies on groundbreaking innovations and foundational business areas. Stories of pioneering organizations show what’s happening now, describe what’s new, and project what could be coming next. Join Dalibor Petrovic, Deloitte’s Tech Leadership Program leader and contributor to the report as he discusses the trends that we anticipate will be impacting all organizations over the next 18-24 months.

January 31, 2023
Webcast on Demand
Charting the Future of Canadian Governance (Session #1)

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The ICD and TMX Group recently released their long awaited, signature report on enhancing governance, called Charting the Future of Canadian Governance: A Principled Approach to Navigating Rising Expectations for Boards of Directors, which outlines recommendations for ensuring Canadian boards are well equipped to meet new challenges and rising expectations. The Podium Club will host a monthly series discussing the most salient features of the report, featuring Barb Stymiest (lead author and member of the Charting the Future committee; board director – Sun Life Financial, George Weston Ltd., CIFAR) Pat Meredith (named contributor; author of Better Boardrooms: Repairing Corporate Governance for the 21st Century, board member of CIFAR) and Jonathan Goodman (named contributor; Canadian Boardroom Leader and Global Chair, Monitor Deloitte).

In the first session, Jonathan and Barb will focus on an overview of the report, its genesis and intent, and importantly, what they think are the most salient recommendations.

January 25, 2023
Webcast on Demand
Tech Savvy Boards | Tech Strategies for Economic Slowdown – What should Board Directors be asking?

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Predicting when a recession might strike is, of course, outside the realm of the CIO/tech executive. However, considering the pivotal role played by technology leaders, and technology being critical for overall organisational health, security and competitiveness, it is important for Board Members to understand what preparations and what strategies are in place to respond to a potential - and now likely - economic slowdown with a risk of recession in 2023.

Over the course of past few months, Deloitte surveyed a number of Canadian Technology Executives and senior Deloitte leaders to understand what are organisations doing to prepare for this expected economic downturn. During this session, Deloitte’s CIO, Maria Churchill and Deloitte’s Tech Leadership Program leader, Dalibor Petrovic will share the findings of this survey and emerging Point of View, and discuss tactical steps and questions that Board Directors can use to enquire about organisational readiness for uncertain economic times ahead.

December 14, 2022
Webcast on Demand
Podium Club: Economic outlook for Directors

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In this edition of Podium Club’s Economic outlook webcast series for board directors, Deloitte’s Chief Economist Craig Alexander will discuss the latest developments shaping Canadian and international economies, including insights on the main factors that are contributing to the topics related to the September economic outlook and what to expect as the Canadian economy will likely enter a mild recession by the end of 2022.

December 06, 2022
Webcast on Demand
Directors’ Series An evolving risk landscape: what audit committees need to know now

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As businesses are called to demonstrate they create value for society as well as shareholders, and as the economic outlook continues to be unusually uncertain, the transparency and reliability of companies’ key messages to their stakeholders must be paramount. Much of that transparency and reliability depends on the quality of their financial reporting and disclosures.

Audit committees are responsible for overseeing that quality. They also govern key risk areas, including cybersecurity, volatile economic conditions, and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) reporting. These core responsibilities are becoming increasingly complex, while scope creep from within their organizations is adding yet more work. The audit committee’s oversight role has never been more important nor more challenging.

Join us in person or online as we discuss the most pressing and relevant issues facing audit committees for the 2022 year-end and beyond. We’ll discuss how to strategize and how to navigate the complexities so that you can be prepared to have the right discussions with the board and with management to meet year-end reporting requirements and mitigate the risks raised through evolving standards.

November 22, 2022
Webcast on Demand
Designing for Ambiguity: Highlights and lessons from our recent CEO|Director Symposium

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We recently convened over 40 CEOs and Board Directors to explore how business leaders can deliberately build organizational resilience in the face of new challenges in a fast-moving, unpredictable world.

In this session, Jonathan Goodman Global Chair, Monitor Deloitte and Vice Chair, Deloitte Canada and guest(s) will share some of the key learnings and discuss implications for CEOs and boards.

We are pleased to offer this as our first hybrid session and welcome you to join us either in-person in the Podium Club lounge or virtually via Zoom.

November 3, 2022
Webcast on Demand
Audit Committee Update

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In this quarterly series, we will provide an analysis of the latest regulatory, reporting and assurance developments and challenges currently facing members of the audit committee.

October 13, 2022 Webcast on Demand
Economic Outlook for Directors

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In this edition of the Podium Club’s Economic Outlook series for board directors, Deloitte’s Chief Economist Craig Alexander will discuss the latest developments shaping Canadian and international economies, including economic growth, business investment, trade, and market activity.

September 28, 2022 Webcast on Demand
The elevated talent and culture agenda in the boardroom

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People and Culture have been key to the success of organizations’ response to and recovery from the pandemic and naturally have been elevated on the Board agenda. New policies and practices have accelerated the journey to the Future of Work, which is now.

Deloitte took a novel approach to understanding how the pandemic has changed conversations in the boardroom, by interviewing Chief Human Resources Officers (CHROs) from 15 leading organizations across multiple industries, including financial services, consumer products, technology, telecommunications, energy, retail, manufacturing, and hospitality. We asked which workforce issues have been elevated to the board level and which topics are likely to remain there for the long term. We also inquired how the CHRO-Board relationship evolved during the crisis and what skills CHROs have had to draw upon to succeed in their new environment. The feedback was largely consistent, suggesting that the role of today’s CHRO is becoming more strategic, influential, and demanding—or, as one executive stated, “I don’t remember a time when CHROs had as much time in front of the board as over the past two years.”

Join Zabeen Hirji, Executive Advisor, Future of Work, Board Director, former CHRO, RBC and co-author of this hot-off the press report and Jonathan Goodman, Global Chairman Monitor Deloitte and Vice Chair, Deloitte Canada, in conversation about these board- relevant issues, and how Directors can help shape the evolving talent and culture agenda, as well as engage with the CHRO to enable sustainable organizational performance.

September 14, 2022 Webcast on Demand
Audit Committee Update

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In this quarterly series, we will provide an analysis of the latest regulatory, reporting and assurance developments and challenges currently facing members of the audit committee.

July 26, 2022 Webcast on Demand
Rebalancing the Global Stage

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Please join us on July 21 as the Podium Club welcomes Pierre Pettigrew, Executive Advisor, International and Government of Canada Special Envoy for the Canada-European Union Trade Agreement. The world economy has been transformed radically through the phenomenon of globalization that monopolized international attention since the end of the deeply ideological Cold War. While China as a rising power remains the main challenger of the World order, Russia, a declining power is now addressing the West its most aggressive offensive. We witness the resurgence of geo-politics. Will Russia, China and Iran succeed at replacing the United States International Liberal order?

July 21, 2022 Webcast on Demand
Economic Outlook

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In this edition of the Podium Club’s Economic Outlook series for board directors, Deloitte’s Chief Economist Craig Alexander will discuss the latest developments shaping Canadian and international economies, including economic growth, business investment, trade, and market activity.

June 23, 2022 Webcast on Demand
GLOBAL WEBINAR: Chair of the Future

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The role of chair continues to evolve and, more than ever, the chair’s role as ambassador for the company, as a culture and talent cultivator, and as board conductor have all become critical to success. But what are the emerging themes that future chairs need to be aware of to remain effective in the role?

Does the Chair of the Future need to consider sustainability in a different way? How does the Chair of the Future engage with the organization’s stakeholders? How does the Chair of the Future ensure the organization fosters an inclusive culture? How prepared is the Chair of the Future for the next crisis? This webinar will feature a distinguished panel of chairs who will share their experiences to help answer these questions, and findings from Deloitte research into the changing role of board chairs around the world will be discussed.

June 21, 2022 Webcast on Demand
Tech Savvy Boards: Technology-enabled Organizational Performance

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Information and technology are fundamentally changing the way organizations compete, create value, manage risk and achieve purpose. New technologies, and new uses for data and information, are proliferating at increasing speeds, creating new opportunities and new threats. It is, therefore, very important for boards to become more tech-savvy and look beyond the traditional, defensive applications of cyber risk and costs of technology, and embrace a more holistic and strategic view of how data, information and technology is driving new opportunities, business models, revenue streams as well as risks, threats and vulnerabilities.

Deloitte’s Tech Savvy for Boards series is designed to equip Canadian Directors with information necessary to engage with the Management on topics of Data, Information and Technology in a meaningful way. The Series will present Directors with a framework and insights to ask the right questions, identify and challenge answers, and ultimately deliver higher quality of overall governance.

Our fourth session will be a discussion how technology can be used to support organizational performance, and what role boards can play to enable this success. We will walk through how modern boards can view technology and information as a true strategic asset and how technology can provide a competitive advantage in today’s landscape.

June 15, 2022 Webcast on Demand
ESG Series: Organizing the Board to Respond to ESG

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This is the final session in our current series on ESG. Over the five-part series we have explored topics like looking at how ESG is likely to evolve in the next 3-5 years, how ESG is impacting strategy, the evolving expectations of stakeholders and customers, and aligning operating models to ESG. In this this final session, we reflect across the series and discuss the implications for boards on committees, compensation, risk and other areas shaped by ESG expectations.

June 9, 2022 Webcast on Demand
A New Way to Think

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We are excited to once again host Roger Martin, CEO Advisor, recognized top global management thinker and author, former Dean of Rotman and co-CEO of Monitor, at Podium Club (virtually) on May 24 to discuss his new book, A New Way to Think: Your Guide to Superior Management Effectiveness.

Join Roger in conversation with Jonathan Goodman, Global Chair of Monitor Deloitte, and Vice Chair of Deloitte Canada as they discuss some of the more consequential management models in use and how they can be improved, and the consequences for Boards of Directors.

Registrants will receive a copy of A New Way to Think, complements of Podium Club.

May 24, 2022 Webcast on Demand
GLOBAL WEBINAR: Digital Frontier - Technology and the Board

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As businesses emerge from the global pandemic, many are finding that adoption of new ways of working, seizing new opportunities, and facing new challenges all expose the organization to new digital risks. In particular, cyber risk remains a critical threat to business and a key area of concern for the Board.

This webinar will share a preview of the latest Global Boardroom Frontier Survey on Digital and Cyber concerns, and will explore key questions for Board members to consider when navigating the evolving digital risk landscape. What are our critical digital threats? How do leading boards provide oversight of investment in digital transformation? Are digital risks appropriately evaluated and monitored? What kind of technology expertise do our stakeholders expect to see join the Board?

May 19, 2022 Webcast on Demand
GLOBAL WEBINAR: The inflation outlook - How can boards prepare for the future of global inflation?

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Please reach out to for video recording access.

As we continue to emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic, the economic impact of the recovery has witnessed some dramatic changes. Inflation in particular has become disruptive as it has hit record highs in many countries. So how can governments, businesses—and their boards of directors—tackle sharp inflation rises in a meaningful way? What will the long-term impact mean for companies and households? And critically, will inflation be further compounded by growing geopolitical tensions, and continuing supply chain disruptions?

May 4, 2022 Webcast on Demand
ESG Series: How to Organize Against ESG

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In the fourth session in our series on ESG, we look at the question of how companies should organize ESG. While ESG at the highest level is a disclosure requirement, if we are to embed ESG into the strategy of an organization, it will be important to ensure that the operating model is providing transparency, accountability and is integrating across different corporate functions. Having an aligned organization will be key for the board to ensure that aspirational outcomes are being achieved.

April 27, 2022 Webcast on Demand
GLOBAL WEBINAR: Proxy Season Topics

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As proxy season approaches and businesses look to move towards the ‘new normal’ in 2022, where should boards and their compensation and nomination/ governance committees focus? This webinar will feature a panel of board and executive level experts to help answer these crucial questions.

April 25, 2022 Webcast on Demand
GLOBAL WEBINAR: Chairpersons’ Perspective: Shaping the board’s strategic direction on climate

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The Climate Governance Initiative is convening leading international chairpersons to discuss how their boards have adopted practices to transform the way their companies address climate change while also enhancing long-term enterprise value.

Three supporting briefing papers from the World Economic Forum and Climate Governance Initiative, in collaboration with Deloitte, will be published on 25 April 2022 as part of an ongoing series aimed at enhancing climate governance on boards. These guides reveal key insights from Chairpersons leading climate action, consider how key stakeholder groups are responding to a climate driven future, and help chairs understand the decarbonization roadmap.

Join us for a panel discussion featuring:
Feike Sybesma, Chair, Koninklijke Philips N.V
Sharon Thorne, Chair, Deloitte Global
Sheila Murray, Chair, Teck Resources

*We recognize that the timing overlaps with the global Proxy Season Topics webinar. Please feel free to sign up for both, and a recording will be provided if you are unable to join live.

April 25, 2022
11:30 a.m. ET
Webcast on Demand
The Chair of the Future

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The current reality for most boards – and their Chairs - is one of quickly changing business environments and organizational contexts, coupled with a high level of ambiguity. The role of the Board Chair is becoming more complex, as are the skills required to be effective in the role. Join Duncan Sinclair, Chair of Deloitte Canada and Chile and Jonathan Goodman, Global Chair of Monitor Deloitte and Vice Chair, Deloitte Canada as they share perspectives from their forthcoming article on what it’s going to take for board chairs to meet the demands of this increasingly complicated governance environment.

April 21, 2022 Webcast on Demand
Resilient Strategy

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The past few years have taught business leaders that the question isn’t if the next disruption will come, but when. Join us as Jonathan Goodman, Monitor Deloitte’s Global Chairman and Vice Chair of Deloitte Canada, and Gavin McTavish, Managing Partner of Monitor Deloitte in Canada discuss what it takes for organizations to develop resilient strategy and the role boards should play in ensuring their organizations prepare for, not simply try to predict, the future.

April 12, 2022 Webcast on demand
Tech Savvy Boards: Risk and Cyber

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Recent tragic developments in Europe have caused us to re-order our remaining Podium Club conversations and use our forthcoming session on March 29th to reflect on the topics of Risk and Cyber. In this session, Nick Galletto, Deloitte’s Cyber Risk leader will be joined by Laura Money, EVP & CIO, Sun Life and Maria Churchill, CIO, Deloitte Canada to share and discuss our views regarding the Board’s role in managing technology & cyber risks and using technology to address Business Risks that are either technology or non-technology related. We will share our experiences, perspectives, and emerging trends, discuss the role of Board Directors and questions you should be asking of your CIOs and Chief Information Security Officers (CISO), and engage in an open dialogue on these important topics.

March 29, 2022
Webcast on demand
ESG Series: Responding to Customer and Stakeholder Demands

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In our third webcast in this five-part series on ESG, Andrew Swart, Partner at Monitor Deloitte and Henry Stoch, Partner and National leader of Deloitte’s Climate & Sustainability practice will be joined by special guests to talk about the evolving expectations of customers, stakeholders, and Indigenous communities and how this is shaping the ESG landscape. ESG frameworks ultimately reflect a coalescence of pressure and demands from a wide variety of stakeholders, which requires a heightened sense of understanding of this this evolution as well as anticipatory behavior by companies. This session will do a deeper dive on how these evolving stakeholder demands and preferences will shape not just ESG compliance activities, but ultimately product and stakeholder offerings, as well as value propositions.

March 2, 2022 Webcast on demand
Stewards of the Future

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In this session, Jonathan Goodman will host Helle Bank Jorgensen, CEO Competent Boards. Expect an interactive discussion regarding the key messages from Helle’s just released book Stewards of the Future: A Guide For Competent Boards.

February 24, 2022 Webcast on demand
The Digital Tsunami

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Digital disruption is upon us like a tsunami. Many Boards & Directors are alert to this, but many are not. In this session, Jonathan Goodman, Global Chair, Monitor Deloitte and Vice Chair, Deloitte Canada will be joined by David Beatty, one Canada’s leading governance experts (experienced director, founder of the ICD / Rotman Directors’ Education Program, Founder of the Sharon & David Johnston Centre for Corporate Governance, inaugural Managing Director of the Canadian Coalition for Good Governance) and Nicolas Darveau-Garneau, Chief Evangelist, Google.

During this interactive conversation, Nick will illuminate the nature and pace of change - he and his team visit over 300 CEOs a year to talk to them about this digital tsunami, and David will review seven different strategies adopted by Boards to try and cope with these challenges. Don't miss this one or you'll not be a survivor!

February 9, 2022 Webcast on demand
The Impact of ESG on Corporate Strategy

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In the second session in our series on ESG, Andrew Swart, Partner at Monitor Deloitte and Henry Stoch, Partner and National leader of Deloitte’s Climate & Sustainability practice will be joined by other guests to talk about the impact that ESG is having on corporate strategy. ESG is creating changes on the regulatory front and new pressures from investors. The result is that in different industries we are seeing a realignment in the value chain, companies readjusting their portfolios, new competitors entering the market and new business models emerging. All of this ultimately impacts the choices companies make going forward and how they pivot their corporate strategies. We will explore these changes and implications in a few selected industries.

February 2, 2022 Webcast on demand
Comparative Governance

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Governance is highly localized with significant differences across national borders. In the English-speaking world, for example, the US still has ~50% of its CEOs also the Chair; in Canada this is only prevalent in family-controlled companies and in the UK not at all. As you move into other linguistic and cultural jurisdictions structures and practices change dramatically. We will do some fun and interesting exercises to get you into the cultural modalities of other worlds.

Join Jonathan Goodman, Global Chair, Monitor Deloitte and Vice Chair, Deloitte Canada for the next event in our series with David Beatty, one Canada’s leading governance experts (experienced director, founder of the ICD / Rotman Directors’ Education Program, Founder of the Sharon & David Johnston Centre for Corporate Governance, inaugural Managing Director of the Canadian Coalition for Good Governance).

January 18, 2022 ET Webcast on demand
GLOBAL WEBINAR: A year in review - The Biden Administration and the Global Economy

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One year since the inauguration of the Biden administration in the US, what lessons have we learned about the administration’s policies, and their impact on the US—and world—economies? What has become apparent with respect to the new US administration’s policies on climate, trade, and technology? How have US-European relations changed, and what is the current state of populism and globalization across the world?

To answer these questions, we convened a small group of former government officials, experienced economists and policy makers, to discuss the political environment in the US, a year into the new administration.

January 13, 2022 Webcast on demand
Tech Savvy Boards: Strategy and Emerging Tech Trends

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Information and technology are fundamentally changing the way organizations compete, create value, manage risk and achieve purpose. New technologies, and new uses for data and information, are proliferating at increasing speeds, creating new opportunities and new threats. It is, therefore, very important for boards to become more tech-savvy and look beyond the traditional, defensive applications of cyber risk and costs of technology, and embrace a more holistic and strategic view of how data, information and technology is driving new opportunities, busines models, revenue streams as well as risks, threats and vulnerabilities.

Deloitte’s Tech Savvy for Boards series is designed to equip Canadian Directors with information necessary to engage with the Management on topics of Data, Information and Technology in a meaningful way. The Series will present Directors with a framework and insights to ask the right questions, identify and challenge answers, and ultimately deliver higher quality of overall governance.

Our January 12 session will touch on two very important topics:

1. How Technology is impacting and enabling better corporate strategy, how leading organisations leverage data and insights to make better business decisions faster and what the role of Directors should be in enabling management to actively leverage technology and information as part of the strategy;

2.The emerging Tech Trends that we anticipate will be impacting all organizations over the next 18-24 months. We will be joined by Deloitte’s Chief Futurist, who will share his perspectives and engage in a conversation with Podium Club members.

January 12, 2022 Webcast on demand
Dual Class Shares

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Join Jonathan Goodman, Global Chair, Monitor Deloitte and Vice Chair, Deloitte Canada for the next event in our series with David Beatty, one Canada’s leading governance experts (experienced director, founder of the ICD / Rotman Directors’ Education Program, Founder of the Sharon & David Johnston Centre for Corporate Governance, inaugural Managing Director of the Canadian Coalition for Good Governance). One of the features of the stock markets these days is the growth of dual class share offerings. Because of the dissimilar nature of equity versus votes, the large institutional investors have been adamantly opposed to dual class share companies. David will discuss the other side to this coin, including the real costs of short term-ism and activism costs, and why there’s no monopoly on bad governance in the dual class share regime.

December 6, 2021 Webcast on demand
Tech Savvy Boards | Fresh Perspectives on Technology: A Conversation with Deloitte Chair and CIO

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Information and technology are fundamentally changing the way organizations compete, create value, manage risk and achieve purpose. New technologies, and new uses for data and information, are proliferating at increasing speeds, creating new opportunities and new threats. It is, therefore, very important for boards to become more tech-savvy and look beyond the traditional, defensive applications of cyber risk and costs of technology, and embrace a more holistic and strategic view of how data, information and technology is driving new opportunities, busines models, revenue streams as well as risks, threats and vulnerabilities.

Deloitte’s Tech Savvy for Boards series is designed to equip Canadian Directors with information necessary to engage with the Management on topics of Data, Information and Technology in a meaningful way. The Series will present Directors with a framework and insights to ask the right questions, identify and challenge answers, and ultimately deliver higher quality of overall governance.

Our first session will be a discussion between Duncan Sinclair, Chair, Deloitte Canada & Chile, and Maria Churchill, CIO, Deloitte Canada on how board members can do just that. They will be walking through a framework that board members can use to think beyond the risk and look towards new opportunities technology presents.

November 30, 2021 Webcast on demand
Economic outlook for directors

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In the Podium Club’s regular Economic outlook webcast series for board directors, Deloitte’s Chief Economist Craig Alexander will discuss the latest developments shaping Canadian and international economies, including economic growth, business investment, trade, and market activity.

November 25, 2021 Webcast on demand
The Future Evolution of ESG

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Join Andrew Swart, Partner at Monitor Deloitte and Henry Stoch, Partner and National leader of Deloitte’s Climate & Sustainability practice in a conversation about the future of ESG. This is the first of a five-part series on ESG. In this first topic Andrew and Henry will be joined by Barbara Zvan, President and Chief Executive Officer at University Pension Plan Ontario to explore how ESG might evolve over the next 3-5 years. The conversation will focus on questions like how ESG metrics and frameworks may converge? Will investor expectations change and how should companies prepare for what comes next? This session will happen shortly after COP26 and will also be an opportunity to reflect on the implications of COP26 and the road ahead.

November 16, 2021 Webcast on demand
DIRECTORS’ SERIES: The audit committee’s responsibility to oversee value-creation reporting

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Join us and our panellists on November 9 to explore value reporting, also known as integrated reporting. This is the theme of our 2021 Directors’ Series event, intended specifically for audit committees.

Due in part to the rise of stakeholder capitalism, the world has shifted from being one in which organizations have a “right to operate” to one in which they must now earn and sustain a “social licence to operate”. This has shone a spotlight on the gulf between what companies are reporting in their existing disclosures and what they should be communicating for stakeholders to understand the value-creation drivers of the organization and how they, in turn, support the company’s strategies towards achieving its business objectives.

The solution is an integrated approach to reporting. Integrated reporting aims to communicate to stakeholders, particularly providers of financial capital, how an organization creates value over the short-, medium-, and long-term, integrating high-quality strategic, operational, and financial as well as environmental, social, and governance (ESG) information to support and tell that story.

This year’s webcast will feature a robust panel, including:

• Audit committee members and executives of companies who are proponents of integrated reporting, who will share insights on their unique journeys and the value Integrated reporting brings to their organizations

• An investor relations and stakeholder communications leader, who will outline what audit committee members need to know now to prepare for the future of integrated reporting

• A capital markets professional, who will share a perspective on how value-creation reporting can be used as a tool to meet the growing demands of investors

November 9, 2021 Webcast on demand
GLOBAL WEBINAR: Climate and the Challenge for Audit Committees

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How are organizations responding to heightened pressure and focus by investors and other stakeholders on how audit committees are addressing the risks and opportunities of climate change? How can audit committees best understand the effects of climate change on financial reporting, and remain abreast of initiatives affecting non-financial disclosure related to climate impacts? How can audit committees ensure they have the right set of skills and backgrounds to address climate change?

To answer these questions, we will hear from an illustrious panel of experienced audit committee chairs and investors on how companies can reevaluate their responsibilities related to climate and reporting.

November 4, 2021 Webcast on demand
The Sacred Board Task: Selecting the Next CEO

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Join Jonathan Goodman, Global Chair, Monitor Deloitte and Vice Chair, Deloitte Canada for the second event in our series with David Beatty, one Canada’s leading governance experts (experienced director, founder of the ICD / Rotman Directors’ Education Program, Founder of the Sharon & David Johnston Centre for Corporate Governance, inaugural Managing Director of the Canadian Coalition for Good Governance). Most boards don’t do enough around hiring a CEO - the sacred task of the board and one that they are uniquely and solely responsible for. Hear David’s thoughts on how boards can get it right by ”leaving no stone unturned”…AND, if they get it wrong - how do they decide they got it wrong?

October 28, 2021
Webcast on demand
Redefining the Future of Work: A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for every company and Board

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Join Zabeen Hirji, Executive Advisor, Future of Work, Board Director and former CHRO, RBC and Jonathan Goodman, Global Chairman Monitor Deloitte and Vice Chair, Deloitte Canada, in conversation about the Future of Work, which is already here. While the pandemic strained and tested the employee-employer relationship, employees have been adaptable and resilient with the support of leaders and developments that might have played out over many years were compressed into months. With the pandemic now showing signs of receding, Boards are resetting their Talent agendas.

And something else is changing: Workers are reconsidering who they want to work with - with 40% of the global workforce considering leaving their employer, according to Microsoft. They want to work for an organization that is purpose-driven, that provides flexibility and choice for where their work is done. Some call this the Great Resignation. Deloitte’s 2021 Human Capital Trends report found that 86% of executives believe workers will gain greater independence and influence relative to their employers.

In addition, mental health and resiliency is an issue of growing concern across the workforce. In a Deloitte/Lifeworks study, 82% of senior leaders reported they typically feel mental and/or physical exhaustion, which is indicative of burnout.

This interactive conversation will focus on the emerging thinking on board-relevant future of work issues, including suggested questions to ask management to get comfortable that the organization is well positioned to address these issues to thrive in the future.

October 19, 2021
Webcast on demand
GLOBAL WEBINAR: Remuneration Series: Investor Views and Remuneration Disclosure

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How do leading proxy advisory firms view executive pay amid a global pandemic? And how are investors weighing in? With new regulatory requirements and increased volatility, how are leading organizations communicating and disclosing their executive pay practices?

To answer these questions, we will hear from an illustrious panel of experienced remuneration committee chairs, proxy advisory firm representatives, and investors as they discuss how the pandemic is affecting voting guidance, disclosure, and executive pay practices

October 12, 2021 Webcast on demand
Economic Outlook for Directors

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In the Podium Club’s regular Economic outlook webcast series for board directors, Deloitte’s Chief Economist Craig Alexander will discuss the latest developments shaping Canadian and international economies, including economic growth, business investment, trade, and market activity.

September 30, 2021 Webcast on demand
Dramatic Changes in Public Markets: Exxon and the Engine #1 Activist Campaign

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Jonathan Goodman will host David Beatty, one Canada’s leading governance experts (experienced director, founder of the ICD / Rotman Directors’ Education Program, Founder of the Sharon & David Johnston Centre for Corporate Governance, inaugural Managing Director of the Canadian Coalition for Good Governamce) for a presentation and discussion regarding Exxon’s earth shattering 2021 board director elections and the innovative approaches emerging for activist shareholders. The impact of these market forces cannot be underestimated by corporate directors and shareholders. This event will be a first of a series featuring David over the course of the upcoming Podium Club season.

September 23, 2021 Webcast on demand
GLOBAL WEBINAR: Tech Series - What Does the Shift to 5G mean for Business?

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How can boards best steer their organizations as they brace for the shift to 5G? With over $1 trillion expected investment in 5G networks in the coming years, what are the opportunities of this shift? What are the significant changes—and risks—that boards, c-suite leaders in IT, information security, compliance, and risk can expect to oversee in the coming years as this technology evolves?

To answer these questions, we will hear from an illustrious panel of directors and executives from both the technology and telecommunications sectors. Our panelists will address how boards can best work with their CIOs and management teams, as this new technology shift introduces cross-functional management challenges, from cybersecurity to compliance concerns and reputation risk.

September 21, 2021 Webcast on demand
Podium Club: The Chair of the Future

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Join us for the opening session of the Podium Club’s fall season which will feature Duncan Sinclair, Chair of Deloitte Canada and Jonathan Goodman, Global Chair of Monitor Deloitte as they share some of their emerging perspectives, and hear your feedback, on what it’s going to take for board chairs to meet the demands of an an increasingly complex governance environment.

September 15, 2021 Webcast on demand
GLOBAL WEBINAR: Climate Series - Exploring Solutions for Decarbonizing Road Freight and Shipping

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How does road freight and shipping contribute to carbon emissions and what can board members do about it? What do industries outside of the transport business have to do with decarbonization of road freight? How can all boardroom play their parts to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement, to achieve a reduction in emission intensity of over 80% in less than 30 years?

To answer these questions, we will hear from an illustrious panel of directors and subject-matter experts, including audit committee chairs, investors and regulators. Our panelists will address various questions as diverse as how to make disclosure in this area more meaningful, how best to engage with stakeholders, and whether and how board members can be ambassadors for decarbonization in the years to come.

September 14, 2021 Webcast on demand
High Performance in the Boardroom

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If there was ever a time when organizations need a high-performing board, that time is now. Join Tony Gaffney, Corporate Director and Founder, Lambay Group and Kathleen Taylor, Chair, Royal Bank of Canada, in conversation with Jonathan Goodman, Global Chair, Monitor Deloitte and Vice Chair, Deloitte Canada for insights from their recent report High Performance in the Boardroom, focused on contemporary best practices of high-performing boards in a time of accelerating change.

July 15, 2021 Webcast on demand
GLOBAL WEBINAR: The Tech Savvy Board

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What can boards do to increase their tech-savviness? How can technology-enabled innovation help companies to thrive in the new normal? How can boards best learn from, and engage with their CIOs to assess the role of technology across the realms of strategy, risk, and performance?

To answer these questions, we will hear from an illustrious panel of directors from both in and out of the technology sector. Our panelists will address how boards can best work with their CIOs on their ongoing journey to becoming more tech-savvy, and how boards can expand their focus beyond the defensive applications of cyber risk, to embrace the role technology can play in driving new opportunities, business models, and revenue sources.

July 8, 2021
10:00 am ET
Webcast on demand
Economic insights for board directors

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In the Podium Club’s monthly Economic outlook webcast series for board directors, we will be joined by Matthew Stewart from Deloitte’s Economic Advisory team, who will discuss the latest developments shaping Canadian and international economies, including economic growth, business investment, trade, and market activity.

June 24, 2021
Webcast on demand
Tech Fluency for Boards Session 4: The changing role and operations of the IT function

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Tech Fluency for Boards is a new series designed to introduce Board members to the fundamental technologies that are fueling the evolution of the digital transformation that is impacting the core operations of many organizations. This series will address the key areas that are important to enterprises today including cloud, cyber risk, business innovation and the underlying operations of the IT function itself.

June 17, 2021 Webcast on demand
Diversity and the Board

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What are the new expectations for boardroom diversity, from shareholders and from governments? How do the increasing numbers of quotas for women directors affect nomination committees today? What should forward-thinking Chairs do to make sure their boards are both diverse and effective? To answer these questions, we will hear from an illustrious panel of directors and subject-matter experts, including nomination and governance committee chairs, investors and regulators.

Our panelists will address questions on a number of topics, including expectations from investors and other stakeholders, and will look ahead to the future of diversity in the boardroom, and how it might change.

June 3, 2021 Webcast on demand
Board Risks in Situations of Distress

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Boards of corporations undergoing significant financial stress need to be alert to a number of risks and considerations which are over and above the regular duties of Directors and Officers. The pandemic environment has shone a light on this, where choppy markets have impacted corporate financial position, while at the same time low interest rates and other opportunities have fueled a frothy M&A market. Even when financially sound, dealing with stakeholders and others that are experiencing distress requires attention.

This session explores some of the distress corporate risks and considerations Boards will need to face from both a financial and legal perspective, in the midst of the pandemic and in its aftermath. Risk mitigating strategies will also be discussed.

May 26, 2021 Webcast on demand
How Boards Work And How They Can Work Better in a Chaotic World

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In her new book How Boards Work And How They Can Work Better in a Chaotic World, prize-winning economist and veteran board director Dambisa Moyo offers an insider's view of corporate boards as they are buffeted by the turbulence of our times.

Join Dr. Moyo in conversation with Jonathan Goodman, Vice Chair and Global Managing Partner, Monitor Deloitte as they explore the need for boards to be more transparent, more knowledgeable, more diverse, and more deeply involved in setting the strategic course of the companies they lead.

May 19, 2021
Webcast on demand
The Power of Trust

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In today’s world, we are facing unprecedented challenges, and the need for business to focus on trust is greater than ever before. Join Fatima Laher, Board Director and Global Lead Client Service Partner, Deloitte Canada & Chile in a conversation with Shalene Gupta, research associate at Harvard Business School and an editor at MIT Horizon for an exclusive preview of the book, The Power of Trust by Sandra J. Sucher and Shalene Gupta. This session will lay the foundation for understanding how Trust impacts the board and governance. The session will enable Directors to apply a Trust lens to board mandates through the Trust framework.

May 13, 2021
Webcast on demand
The Board’s Role in Battling Financial Crime

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How can companies use data to help prevent fraud or financial crimes within their organizations? How can digital transformation strengthen an organization’s approach to cyber security? And what is the role of the board and audit committee in this? To answer these questions, we will hear from a panel of prominent audit committee members, regulators, and public policy officials on the questions boards and their audit committees should be asking their companies around financial crimes, fraud, and cyber—and the role that digital transformation can play.

May 12, 2021
Webcast on demand
Tech Fluency for Boards Session 3: Innovation using the Cloud

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Business innovation is at the heart of growth and evident across all industries and scale of company. Business innovation is being driven in large part by technology change which is enabling new capabilities and breaking down the cost of entry for new competitors. This session will examine case studies and highlight the critical components that make innovation successful.

Please note, this webcast will be delivered in English only.

May 6, 2021
Webcast on demand
Economic insights for board directors

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In the Podium Club’s monthly Economic outlook webcast series for board directors, Deloitte’s Chief Economist Craig Alexander will discuss the latest developments shaping Canadian and international economies, including economic growth, business investment, trade, and market activity.

Please note, this webcast will be delivered in English only.

April 22, 2021
Webcast on demand
Navigating the path to resiliency: The Board’s role in the journey

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Even when all things are equal, some organizations struggle in crisis while others thrive. Counting on their own resilience is what enables organizations to thrive in the face of adversity, not hope or luck. The disruptions of 2020 have taught us that those organizations that embraced uncertainty with purpose and a reimagined strategy for resilience were able to withstand the impact of unexpected events.

This session will explore how boards can help build resilient organizations, including:

  • What does resiliency mean for organizations and what makes organizations resilient?
  • What are leading or lagging indicators of resiliency that Boards need to be aware of?
  • How do Boards assess the degree of resiliency within organizations that they oversee? What questions should Boards ask?
  • How boards can better understand the elements required to build a resilient organization, so they can identify and oversee areas for improvement.
April 15, 2021
Webcast on demand
Asia-Pacific in 2021

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With a new administration in Washington, economic growth returning to many economies, yet with a pandemic still affecting the region, how do both boards and policymakers navigate the choppy waters of the recovery? Join a panel of NEDs and policymakers as we discuss the outlook for the region and how boards of directors are leading the way. Topics will include:

  • Recovery from COVID-19 and how lessons learned by boards and policy makers are making a difference
  • The prospect of increased trans-Pacific trade and investment, and its headwinds
  • How do strong boards plan for unforeseen events in the region?
April 14, 2021
Webcast on demand
Audit Committees and the Raised Expectations for Internal Audit

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What are the recent developments in internal audit? How can the Chief Audit Executive help to best facilitate the work of the audit committee? What might the future of internal audit look like? To answer these questions, we will hear from a panel of prominent audit committee members and chief audit executives who will share their experiences: how they make this increasingly important partnership work; advances in supporting technology, analytics, automation and thoughtful use of data; and how internal audit is advancing beyond traditional areas of review and analysis to look at topics as diverse as corporate culture, sustainability, and less traditional sources of value to the organization.

Mike Beck | Chief Audit Executive, ABM Industries
Art Garcia | Audit Committee Chair, ABM Industries; Non-Executive Director, Elanco Animal Health; Non-Executive Director, American Electric Power Co Inc.
Helen Weir | Audit Committee Chair, Greencore Group plc; Audit Committee Member, Superdry plc; Non-Executive Director, Koninklijke Ahold Delhaize N.V.

Sarah Fedele | Internal Audit Leader, Deloitte US

April 7, 2021
Webcast on demand
Tech Fluency for Boards Session 2: Cyber and risk management

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Cyber-attacks threaten all companies and have made the headlines recently given their scale and sophistication. The issues are top of mind as companies look to modernize their systems and move them to the cloud. This session will provide an update on cyber threat, the risks, measures of protection and case studies

Please note, this webcast will be delivered in English only.

April 1, 2021
Webcast on demand
Global Webinar: The Company and its Evolving Role in Society

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In the midst of a global pandemic, how are boards adjusting to changing societal demands of corporations to contribute to the greater good?

How do the most effective boards think about stakeholder engagement, whether this is with employees, customers, the broader community, or government?

Join us for a discussion led with a panel of board chairs and executives, who will share their views on how leading boards are rethinking their role within society at large.


  • Robert H. Herz: Director, Morgan Stanley, Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae), Workiva Inc., Paxos Trust Company and the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board; President, Robert H. Hertz LLC
  • Nicola Mendelsohn CBE: Vice President, Europe, Middle East, and Africa, Facebook Inc; Non-Executive Director, Diageo plc
  • Urs Rohner: Chair, Credit Suisse Group; Non-Executive Director, GlaxoSmithKline plc
  • Sir Rob Wainwright: Senior Partner, Deloitte North South Europe Cyber Practice; Former Executive Director of Europol


  • Joe Ucuzoglu: Deloitte US CEO

Please note, this webcast will be delivered in English only.

March 3, 2021 Webcast on demand
Economic reconciliation: A board imperative

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The Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Call to Action #92 calls on corporate Canada to adopt the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and asks for meaningful consultation, long-term economic development opportunities and education on the history of Indigenous peoples.

Please join our esteemed panel for an insightful conversation around economic reconciliation: its meaning, key contributing factors and why it is imperative to Canada’s future prosperity. Our panel will share their expert insights, along with concrete next steps that board directors can take within their organizations to create meaningful partnerships and mutually beneficial opportunities that help fuel economic growth for Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities.


  • Ken Fredeen - General Counsel Emeritus, Senior Partner Indigenous and Accessibility, Deloitte
  • Roberta Jamieson – Former President & CEO, Indspire; Board Director: Deloitte Canada & Chile
  • JP Gladu – President A2A Rail; Board Director: Suncor, Noront Resources, Mikisew Group

Please note, this webcast will be delivered in English only.

March 1, 2021 Webcast on demand
Economic insights for board directors - Feb. 25

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In the Podium Club’s monthly Economic outlook webcast series for board directors, Deloitte’s Chief Economist Craig Alexander will discuss the latest developments shaping Canadian and international economies, including economic growth, business investment, trade, and market activity.

Please note, this webcast will be delivered in English only.

February 25, 2021 Webcast on demand
Tech Fluency for Boards: An Introduction to the Cloud

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Tech Fluency for Boards is a new series designed to introduce Board members to the fundamental technologies that are fueling the evolution of the digital transformation that is impacting the core operations of many organizations. This series will address the key areas that are important to enterprises today including cloud, cyber risk, business innovation and the underlying operations of the IT function itself.

February 18, 2021 Webcast on demand
Remuneration trends and COVID-19 impacts

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How should boards of directors and their remuneration committees weigh the impacts that the pandemic will have on executive remuneration?

How are leading organizations grappling with the challenges?

Join us for a detailed discussion with a small group of experienced remuneration committee chairs and investors as they discuss how pandemic is altering how we think of executive pay.

The panelists are:

  • Anne Stevens: Chair of the Remuneration Committee, and Independent Non-executive Director, Anglo American plc
  • Amra Balic: Managing Director, Head of BlackRock's EMEA Investment Stewardship team

Moderated by:

  • Stephen Cahill: Vice-Chair and Leader of Deloitte UK’s Executive Compensation Practice

The discussion will cover:

  • Discretion and judgement
  • Changing reward policies
  • Legal, employment law, and tax considerations
  • Granting of new share-based award
  • Target setting
  • Measuring performance
  • Proxy advisor and shareholder views
  • And more!
February 11, 2021 Webcast on demand
Building a Future of Work that works for all - and the Board’s governance role

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Join Zabeen Hirji, Executive Advisor, Future of Work and former CHRO, RBC in conversation with Jonathan Goodman, Global Managing Partner, Monitor Deloitte as they discuss the Future of Work and explore how board directors are providing oversight and insights to their organizations to help create a future of work that works for all stakeholders.

February 9, 2021 Webcast on demand
Global Directors – Bringing the world to the boardroom

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Boardroom diversity continues to be a leading concern for organizations in every industry. Changing demographics, societal expectations, and technological advances increasingly require organizational performance to be driven by a diversity of trustworthy voices, experiences, and knowledge—starting at the very top, with boards of directors.

February 3, 2021 Webcast on demand
GLOBAL WEBINAR | The economy & the boardroom: US post-election economic outlook

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How should boards of directors think about and plan for the incoming Biden administration? What are the expectations for its policies, and how will these impact the US and world economy? Join us for a detailed discussion with a small group of experienced economists and policy makers, as they make sense of the changing political environment in the US.

The Honourable Pierre Pettigrew | Executive Advisor, International, Deloitte Canada
Shahira Knight | Managing Principal of Policy & Government Relations, Deloitte LLP, Former Director of White House Legislative Affairs
Dr. Ira Kalish | Global Chief Economist, Deloitte Global

January 21, 2021 Webcast on demand
Economic insights for directors

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In this edition of the Podium Club’s monthly Economic outlook webcast series for board directors, Deloitte’s Chief Economist Craig Alexander is joined by The Honorable Pierre Pettigrew, Executive Advisor, International. They discuss the effect the new government in the U.S. will have on Canadian businesses and the impact on our country from economic, trade, political and social perspectives.

January 28, 2021 Webcast on demand
2021 TMT Predictions

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Join us on January 20 as Duncan Stewart, co-author of Deloitte’s 2021 TMT Predictions report, explores the technology, media and telecommunications trends that are shaping the way we do business.

January 20, 2021 Webcast on demand
The 2021 strategy imperative

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Join Jonathan Goodman, Global Managing Partner, Monitor Deloitte and Vice Chair of Deloitte Canada and Gavin McTavish, Canadian Monitor Deloitte leader in a lively discussion about the 2021 strategy imperative, with a particular focus on the implications for boards of directors. Jonathan and Gavin will discuss this once in a generation moment in strategy, how to confront uncertainty from here, and the board’s role in provoking and vetting strategy given the very different circumstances facing companies and organizations as we start the new year.

January 13, 2021 Webast on demand
Economic Insights for Board Directors

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In the Podium Club’s monthly Economic outlook webcast series for board directors, Deloitte’s Chief Economist Craig Alexander will discuss the latest developments shaping Canadian and international economies, including economic growth, business investment, trade, and market activity.

Please note, this webcast will be delivered in English only.

Decemeber 16, 2020 Webcast on demand
Better Boardrooms: Repairing Corporate Governance for the 21st Century

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Please join us for Patricia Meredith, a global thought leader, award winning author and consultant in the emerging field of strategic governance in conversation with Jonathan Goodman, Vice Chair and Global Managing Partner, Monitor Deloitte. The discussion will focus on the insights in Ms. Meredith’s new book Better Boardrooms: Repairing Corporate Governance for the 21st Century.

Please note, this webcast will be delivered in English only.

December 9, 2020
Webcast on demand
Economic insights for directors

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In the Podium Club’s monthly Economic outlook webcast series for board directors, Deloitte’s Chief Economist Craig Alexander will discuss the latest developments shaping Canadian and international economies, including economic growth, business investment, trade, and market activity.

Please note, this webcast will be delivered in English only.

November 19, 2020
Webcast on demand
When More is Not Better: Overcoming America’s Obsession with Economic Efficiency

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Since the mid-1970’s, growth in the economic prosperity of the average American family has slowed to a crawl, while the wealth of the richest Americans has skyrocketed. This imbalance threatens the American democratic capitalist system and our way of life in both the US and Canada.

Based on his new book When More is Not Better: Overcoming America’s Obsession with Economic Efficiency, world-renowned business thinker Roger Martin will provide a unique viewpoint on what has changed and why the helpful pursuit of efficiency has turned into a damaging obsession. The consequence is a fundamentally different distribution of outcomes that will get worse not better as a natural consequence of treating the economy as a complicated machine and attempting to maximize its efficiency.

In conversation with Jonathan Goodman, Vice Chair and Global Managing Partner, Monitor Deloitte, Roger will explore the need to seek a productive balance between the pursuit of efficiency and the nurturing of resilience, and the practical roles for business leaders and board directors to bring about this productive balance.

Please note, this webcast will be delivered in English only.

November 3, 2020
Webcast on demand
Global Directors' Webinar: The Board and Climate Change

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Climate change is fast becoming a primary external driver reshaping companies’ supply chains, employment models, and strategies overall.

Boards have an important role to play, and can serve as catalysts to prompt organizations to act now on sustainability issues that will help shape their future—and the planet’s.

Learn how in a private discussion with a distinguished panel of executives, led by Sharon Thorne, Deloitte Global Board Chair.

The panelists are:

  • Paul Polman: Former CEO of Unilever; Vice Chair of the United Nations Global Compact; Co-founder and Chair of Imagine; Chair of the International Chamber of Commerce; and Chair of Said Business School;
  • Rose McKinney-James: Independent Director at MGM Resorts International and Toyota Financial Savings Bank
  • Jaime Augusto Zobel de Ayala: Chairman and Chief Executive Officer: Ayala Corporation; Chairman: Globe Telecom, Inc.; Integrated Micro-Electronics, Inc; and Bank of the Philippine Islands; Vice Chairman: Ayala Land, Inc.; Manila Water Company, Inc; AC Energy Philippines, Inc.
  • Michael Herskovich: Global Head of Corporate Governance at BNP Paribas Asset Management
  • Marc Van Caeneghem: Deloitte Global Sustainability Leader

The discussion will cover:

  • The level of oversight required by the board in relation to climate change;
  • The key questions the board should be asking management;
  • How the board can effectively influence other key stakeholders including the wider business community, governments, and shareholders to accelerate the transition to net zero

Please note, this webcast will be delivered in English only.

November 2, 2020
Webcast on demand
Resilient leadership: Building recovery on a foundation of trust

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The COVID-19 pandemic has rewritten the rules of upheaval in modern times. Those of us leading organizations are not “fixing the plane while it flies,” but are “building it in midair.” Times like these need leaders who are resilient in the face of such dramatic uncertainties.

Resilient leaders distinguish as they guide their enterprises through crisis, blunt the impact, and enable their organizations to emerge stronger. They shift mindsets, navigate uncertainties, and invest in growth. Resilience is not a destination; it is a way of being. As a director, learn how to build leadership resilience both in yourself and your management team, so that your organization can catapult forward from where it was pre pandemic quickly and continuously.


  • David Johnston – Executive Advisor
  • Anthony Viel – Chief Executive Officer, Deloitte Canada


  • Jennifer Lee – Managing Partner, Growth Platforms, Deloitte Canada

Please note, this webcast will be delivered in English only.

June 11, 2020
Webcast on demand
Deloitte Global webinar: The board’s role in the COVID-19 crisis

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This Deloitte Global webinar will focus on the extraordinary challenges boards are facing today as the COVID-19 pandemic unfolds around the world. The session will include a panel of chairs and non-executive directors from across the globe, led by Deloitte Global Board Chair, Sharon Thorne. Our panelists will provide their view on the role of the board during the COVID-19 pandemic, and will address a number of topics: when the board should step in and get more involved, how it sets the tone for the organization during times of crisis, how it supports and challenges management, how it can ask some of the big, ‘what if’ questions, how and when strong boards raise succession planning for key leadership positions, and how the board can best position the organization for recovery.


  • Gordon Nixon: Chair of the board: BCE Inc.; Independent director: BlackRock Inc., George Weston Ltd.; Advisory board: KingSett Capital
  • Sir Roger Carr: Chair of the board: BAE Systems plc.; Senior Advisor: KKR; Chair: English National Ballet
  • Susanna Chiu Lai-kuen: Independent Non-Executive Director: Nanyang Commercial Bank Limited; Former Director: Li & Fung Development (China) Limited; Former president of The Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants


  • Sharon Thorne: Deloitte Global Board Chair; A4S Advisory Council member; Social Progress Imperative Board director; World Economic Forum Platform for Shaping the Future of the New Economy and Society Stewardship Board member

Please note, this webcast will be delivered in English only.

May 22, 2020
Webcast on demand
The Future of Work is now: Recovering, rebuilding, and coming out stronger post-COVID

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The COVID-19 crisis is a time machine that has fast-forwarded us to the Future of Work. Some organizations are laser focused on survival, while others are turning their gaze to recovery and considering how to position themselves in the next normal. While no one has a crystal ball, one thing is clear: we will be moving forward to work, not simply back to work. What big Future of Work issues should be on the table?

  • Work: while conversations about automation and AI have hit the pause button, this is temporary.
  • Workers: skills requirements were already changing, add to this a jobless rate in Canada of 13%, and there is a need to prioritize workforce planning, reskilling and upskilling, and to do it at scale.
  • Workplace: : the big story here is distributed (remote) working. Can organizations really go back to the old model, or is a hybrid model of working from the office and home a foregone conclusion?

Successfully transitioning and thriving in the new normal will require new leadership capabilities, including resiliency, adaptability and trust-building, as well as culture change. While much remains uncertain, the stakeholders are watching: customers, employee, communities and suppliers. Having a long-term view into the recovery will define brand, reputation and future competitiveness of organizations.

The future is now: we invite you to join this conversation as we explore how Boards fulfill their role to govern – providing oversight and insight - to help their organizations create a future of work that works for all stakeholders.

Speakers: Zabeen Hirji – Executive Advisor, Future of Work at Deloitte and former Chief Human Resources Officer, RBC and Jonathan Goodman – Vice Chair and Global Managing Partner, Monitor Deloitte

May 19, 2020
Webcast on demand
Economic update and geopolitical risk and implications from COVID-19

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Deloitte’s Chief Economist Craig Alexander will discuss the latest developments shaping Canadian and international economies, including economic growth, business investment, trade, and market activity. Craig will be joined by special guest The Honourable Pierre Pettigrew, Executive Advisor, International at Deloitte Canada, who will provide his perspectives on the changing international political landscape and the implications for Canadian businesses and governments in a post-COVID world. Moderated by Jonathan Goodman, Vice Chair and Global Managing Partner, Monitor Deloitte, this webcast will provide board directors with a unique perspective on the evolving situation and implications for their organizations.

May 12, 2020
Webcast on demand
Trust in the time of COVID-19

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The COVID-19 pandemic has been a shock to our collective systems – and a catalyst to rebuild trust. Trust in institutions and government has been on the decline for decades. As leaders seek to shepherd their organizations and stakeholders safely through the crisis, trust will be more critical than ever. But, recovery without trust rests on shaky ground. In this webinar, Nick Galletto - Future of Trust Leader, Global Cyber Risk Leader and Praveck Geeanpersadh - Future of Trust Leader, Financial Crime Lead shares research and insights on how to rebuild trust among stakeholders and best position companies to thrive in the long term.

Nick Galletto - Future of Trust Leader, Global Cyber Risk Leader
Praveck Geeanpersadh - Future of Trust Leader, Financial Crime Leader

April 28, 2020
Webcast on demand
COVID-19 and the board: Economic outlook

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As a follow up to our first live economic outlook webcast, Deloitte Canada’s Chief Economist Craig Alexander shares a real time update on the local & global economic impact of the COVID-19 virus, and provides board directors with a perspective on the evolving situation and implications for their organizations. Hosted by Duncan Sinclair – Chair, Deloitte Canada & Chile and Jonathan Goodman – Vice Chair and Global Managing Partner, Monitor Deloitte.

April 21, 2020
Webcast on demand
COVID-19: Economic outlook for board directors

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As the effect of COVID-19 on society, businesses and the economy continues to develop, boards need to understand the latest economic information in order to assess the impact on their businesses moving forward.

In this webcast, Deloitte’s Chief Economist Craig Alexander shares a real time update on the local & global economic impact of the COVID-19 crisis. Hosted by Duncan Sinclair – Chair, Deloitte Canada & Chile and Jonathan Goodman – Vice Chair and Global Managing Partner, Monitor Deloitte, this session will provide board directors with a perspective on the evolving situation and implications for their organizations.

April 3, 2020
Webcast on demand